Landscape, Cityscape and Commercial Photography


A selection of behind the scenes, what 10stopphotography has been doing and what shiny new equipment we have been reviewing.

Setting the bar high!

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2016 has so far been a blur, where is the time going? I bet you are saying that as well. I feel that I haven’t been shooting much, and summer was over in a flash. A lot of time has been spent reorganising the website and rethinking, where to next with 10stopphotography. One area of my reboot will be pushing myself and taking myself outside of my comfort zone for 2016 and challenging myself with new projects.

 A quick rewind back to December 2015 and the main reason for my rethink for 2016. I was asked to help a mate out, Paul Petch photography on a project he was heading up for the Help-Portrait group. The agenda was to help out with creating family portraits. The focus was to put a smile on the families fighting long term illnesses at the Ronald McDonald House in Auckland. Whilst I didn’t really know what I was doing I got stuck in and walked away from a much more enlightened photographer amongst a crew of Pro portrait shooters. This kick-started me where I want to go.

This is a fairy but she cannot magically wave a wand for sucess.

This is a fairy but she cannot magically wave a wand for sucess.


My ever-supportive wife Jo has also become my writing mentor, as my grammar is shocking. I know what I want to write but it does not transfer to text so well. I also have a legion of supportive friends that will guide (mock) me in the right direction too :-)

Without the support of family, friends and mentors this next journey will not be possible. Looking forward to this next chapter and bringing you along with me as we set the bar high!

Always feel free to comment and remark and never stop believing in what you do


PS this has not been vetted by Jo, love living on the edge hehe.